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The mood??

How does the mood/feeling change in the first stanza to the second stanza to the third stanza, and to the fourth stanza in "The Bells" by edgar allan poe?? Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have provided a link to the full text of this poem. Have you read it yet? I ask because, to me, the change of the sound of the bells is crystal clear.

The tinkling of bells on a sleigh in winter is full of anticipation and happiness and lightness.

The bells ringing out in a church for a wedding - again, anticipation and celebration. A joyous louder ringing out of the future.

The clanging, 'get-out'-of-my-way', frightening rush of bells on a fire engine, a signal of some impending danger and loss of home perhaps ...

... and the deep, slow, mournful toll of the funeral bell - a finality of a life, doom-laden and sorrowful.

Poe makes of this poem a rythym ... almost a dance ... the rythym of the life force, if you like. ... of the bells accompanying everyone through their ups and downs.

Please read it again and try to hear the bells as you read each stanza. Do they evoke a memory in you of some sort?