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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I'm a decent writer for an eleven year old. But i have writers block. ideas?


I'm a decent writer for an eleven year old. But i have writers block. ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can wait till it goes away or you can work through it. If you want to be a professional writer, you will have to learn to work through writer's block.

My advise would be to sit down with a blank bit of paper and just start writing, it doesn't matter if it makes sense even or has any real value. If all you write is "this is stupid, I don't know what to write," that is fine. Hopefully, after a few lines, you'll almost naturally start writing something (it might be pure drivel, but the point is that you are writing).

Another possibility is to actually take the first paragraph or so from a published work, read it, wait a bit, then try to write it from memory (not very useful if you have a photographic memory, though). It wont be the same, you will put a bit of your own spin on it. If possible, keep going and write from there. If you still feel blocked, try a page, or a story. Heck, even if you are rewriting Lord of the Rings, things will be different and your creativity will be getting worked out (it is almost like a muscle, in that the more you use it the stronger it will be).

If you have writer's block, it isn't important what you are writing as long as you are still writing.

Good luck