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Sirius Black...?

hmm, i know this is an odd question...but Harry potter fans, do you think Sirius Black should've cut his hair? Wouldn't he look alot better with short hair?

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3 days ago
I know its fits him better because of Azkaban and me I've read the books a million times. But what I'm saying is I wish that once he returned home and all...I wish someone like Remus made him cut his hair. Because I have seen pictures of Gary Oldman(who plays Sirius in the films) And I like it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
I know its fits him better because of Azkaban and me I've read the books a million times. But what I'm saying is I wish that once he returned home and all...I wish someone like Remus made him cut his hair. Because I have seen pictures of Gary Oldman(who plays Sirius in the films) And I like it.