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Fave Kids Book?

I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but its pipped to the post for me personally by "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende (which is actually quite thought-provoking and not as childish as the film though the film was quite enjoyable hokum!). Anybody enjoy that book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've had 'The Neverending Story' read to me when I was a junior at primary school (approx. 8/9 years old) so technically I haven't read it but I remember being completely enthralled by it at the time. After the teacher completed the book we were treated to the film which to an 8 year old is absolutely magical.

My self-read favourite kids book is The BFG by Roald Dahl. I loved the whole idea of a child being the hero and capturing dreams in bottles and thought snozzcumbers were hilarious!