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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Looking for the Title of an old Novel. Does anyone know of the name of this Nove


Looking for the Title of an old Novel. Does anyone know of the name of this Novel? Been Looking for years.?

Years ago my cousin had this book on her desk and I have never forgotten it. It was one of those Historial Novels, and it had photos of the story, so there must have been a movie done of it. I never had a chance to read the book, but those pictures have haunted me all these years. From the pictures, and what I remember of the story it was about a young woman that got Jilted on her wedding day, the groom did not show up for the wedding. The Bride was devastated, literally devastated.
From that morning on, the reception room in her Grand House was forever locked and never opened again. There was a dinning room with food and wedding cake all left untouched. Her bedroom was left untouched with her wedding dress, flowers and everthing else of that morning. Through the years the young maiden became an reclusive old lady and and was still living in that same house, with those same rooms still locked, as her wedding day, just that now the rooms were full of dust, decay and mold.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you read a part from Charles Dickens, "Great Expectaions".
The character you described is Miss Havisham.
You can find this book at any bookstore