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Whats the real meaning of being selfish?

what's the real meaning of being selfish? i mean ill give you a situation.

in this enviroment.. there's a lawyer the best of lawyers whom proved a lot to himself that the law is the law, and the 2nd character here is a priest, the priest says that god is the greatest that he is the truth that no thing or man is greater than him, plus a business man comes he says foolish! what's good of all profession when your not financially secure..

yes.. all of them are correct as to different perpective..the question is. there's a lot of theories in the world but those therories also have a opposing theory so who is corect, good and who is selfish and bad?

there's no definite goo and bad in the world, but what the point in life if that's the last statement?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The word 'selfish' is understood negatively. If we go by the contextual meaning, selfish is a word that describes someone who thinks only of himself or herself at the expense of the good of the rest of the community.

But, ''true self-love'' is a very important virtue. True self-love leads to true love for others. This can only be done if one worked hard at inward reflection and self-realization. Every self in this world form part of many selves and every self must find connection with the rest if one is to realize one's reason for being.

For example, in my property runs a strong water source. My neighbors do not have water. I will be showing my true love for myself if I shared this resource with my neighbors, who in turn will love me and make me feel happy. That is true self love. And you can extrapolate this example with the rest of humanity's gestures of sharing and caring--indeed, true self love in action!