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How do i start a special effects and grafic design carrer?

i wish to know how to go into film special effects and also good at grafic designs how do i start?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Get good grades in high school, along with good standardized test scores, so that you aren't limited in your choices when you choose a college.

There are many colleges that have electronic media courses, and the real trick is finding which ones have the environment and culture that you want. University of Cincinnati has a nationally recognized Digital Design program, which has aspects of graphic design, 3d modeling and animation, motion design and information design.

The cost of such courses are usually high, no matter what college you attend. A powerful personal computer is usually necessary. Many schools default to Macs, which are expensive. Then there is the software... Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and Flash are the bare minimum requirement. It is possible to get them at discounted rates, or pirate them from older students of the college.

Hope that helps! Good luck