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What do you think about on a regular basis?

anything goes... just curious

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think mostly about my family. First and foremost I think about my kids, their well being, and how I am going to pay for college. Then, I think about my marriage, and how lucky I am to have met this wonderful woman whom I share my life with. Things aren't always smooth between us, but what we have I'll never give up. Then, I think about my dad. He??s old now and depressed since mom died about ten months ago. He's in poor health and I want him to see my kids grow up; but it's becoming clear that he won't be able to. He knows this, and he's even said so. But, I try to convince him he's going to live a long time. He misses my mother, and wants to be with her, and that has me frightened. In answer to your question, I think mostly about my family. Thanks for asking.