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Does this make snese, and what does it mean?

Science, is the organized body of knowledge aquired by humans through research and observation, science give us humans a better understanding of technology, mother nature and the world around us, it??s main purpose to the individuals is to produce models of reality.
Science is an important aspect of our lives, but in the wolrd today, science faces a conflict with religion and politics which could exclude it from acheiving it??s main goal.
Ex: the stem cell research: religously it is said to be a sin to many catholics,but for scientists it is an experiment to be fully explored, but politically the U.S president being catholic himself banned any sort of research from happening

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *Is Catholic*

As an individual who has a scientific background, I have to say, NO THAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. (BTW Bush is not a Catholic he is a Methodist)

It suffers from a lack of understanding of what science is.

Properly speaking science simply means "the study of". Anything with -ology is a science. Thus, theology should be considered to be a science and should be held to certain standards of reason and logic.

In the modern sense of what science is, that is much more narrow. The definition is much more influenced by PHILOSOPHY especially the forms of enlightenment and post enlightenment philosophies that say that the only thing which we can now is that which we can sense.

Thus science is often reduced to a sort of "EMPIRICISM" or "LOGICAL POSITIVISM" which studies systems through empirical data and then constructs models.

However, this type of science is rather limited as what can be observed is not the only thing that we can know about something.

For example, the field of Quantum Mechanics exists where empirical data either is not possible or the obtaining of empirical data completely changes the system..

Additionally modern post-enlightenment philosophy (skepticism, existentialism, etc.) has shown that a purely empirical science is not viable.

NOW YOU WRITE "science faces a conflict with religion and politics which could exclude it from achieving it??s main goal."

This is false. First because science and theology both seek to RATIONALY describe the world around us, create models, etc., they cannot be in conflict. If there is conflict, one is not describing the world around us and is entering into falsehood.

What is the goal of science? To understand the world around us. If religion prevents science from understanding the world, then religion is overstepping its bounds. Religion and Science cannot be put into conflict, for when they conflict, one is false.

Your example that you gave is a POOR EXAMPLE.

Catholics have no problem with stem cell research. We have a problem with embryonic stem cell research.

The question is, is it science to butcher an embryo? (not to be crass but butcher is defined as taking a part an animal for market and here a person is being taken a part so that the parts (stem cell lines) can be marketed)
1. No because science is not the study of studying everything.
2. No because it violates knowledge gained from other science, namely that killing another human is wrong.
3. No because the act over steps the bounds of science, namely that the scientific endeavor is subject to the rational study of right and wrong (morality).

4. I would also like to point out that embryonic stem cells have ALWAYS FAILED whether they were human or animal. Adult stem cells are PRODUCING RESULTS. As such, the endevor to promote embryonic stems cells is NOT SCIENCE. Rather it is part of the pro-abortion movement which in turn is part of a larger PHILOSOPHY of the diminishment of what it means to be human and the morphing of humanity into automatons and commodities, something that REAL SCIENCE has always fought against and warned about, especialy in the popular form of science fiction.

Science is very much pro-humanity, embryonic stem cell research is anti-humanity and thus anti-science.