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Please help with my art assignment....?

I want to make a large set of angel wings, but I don't know how to make the feathers, some of which would probably have to be almost 1 meter (3 feet) long!
I don't have a very big budget, so how can I make these feathers?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you could carve the entire wing out of styrofoam. Though not really the household styrofoam, that is not going to work well, there is some pink wall insulation stuff which I think you can get at stores like home depot which carves much better (still gives a mess and you probably should wear at least a dust mask, and do it in an empty room). You can cut pieces out and glue it together (I think you have to use water soluble glues), so you wouldn't really need all that much. The surface can be covered with a thin layer of plaster or spackling, so it can be painted any color afterwards.
I haven't used the stuff myself, but seen art students use it to great effect.