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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> EMO is a load of crap. Does anyone agree?


EMO is a load of crap. Does anyone agree?

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1 week ago
Let me just say to all of you haters out there that I am not ranting and raving about Emo.. I just found out what the hell it was from reading the other questions on here.. lol.. it just seems like a lame way to get some attention if you ask me, and people like that just bug the hell out of me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Let me just say to all of you haters out there that I am not ranting and raving about Emo.. I just found out what the hell it was from reading the other questions on here.. lol.. it just seems like a lame way to get some attention if you ask me, and people like that just bug the hell out of me.