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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> When was the last time a US jet was invovled in air-to-air combat?


When was the last time a US jet was invovled in air-to-air combat?

I saw a TV show that said the Air Force was still recruiting and training for air-to-air combat. I can't remember any air combat in my lifetime, but maybe I'm wrong.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Iraq (1st Gulf War), there were few air-to-air engagements; but the Iraqis were also quick to enter Iranian airspace. This reflected the United States' air superiority. It also reflected the fact that a strong air force is a deterrent, meaning that the enemy understands that you are have air supremacy (you own the skies) and he will not want to fight.

And by the lack of dogfights, it reinforces the fact that the United States' air supremacy is a working deterrent.