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Should I read Wuthering Heights or The Awakening?

For AP English we have to read one of these two as a classic novel. I am a 16-year-old guy who couldnt make it through A Tale of Two Cities. I dont know which to read. Wutherign heights seems like it would be boring, and The Awakening seems like it could be boring as well. I don't know which to choose. Any help would be greatly appreciated. So you all know what kind of books i like, i liked all of Dan Brown's books, i like Harlan Coben books. I did like the Scarlet letter, also. Huck Finn was also good, bu please help me...i ahve to start reading soon!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i think you'll like the awakening. its style is much less veiled than wuthering heights. plus you'll be able to relate to the characters a little more with the awakening--especially if you've already read and enjoyed the scarlet letter.