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Is Harry Potter a horcrux?

OK so my mom thinks that Harry is the horcrux that is something that belongs to Gryffindore and he will have to sacrifice himself to let someone else kill Voldemort. what do you think of this theory? it seems like a good one to me except why would Voldemort make Harry a horcrux if he knew he was going to have to kill him? I also haven't read HP in a while so.... What do you think?

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3 days ago
Someone said that Fawkes is a horcrux for Dumbledore but thats no possible because creating a horcrux is the darkest magic of all and you have to kill someone to create one. Dumbledore wouldn't do that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
Someone said that Fawkes is a horcrux for Dumbledore but thats no possible because creating a horcrux is the darkest magic of all and you have to kill someone to create one. Dumbledore wouldn't do that.