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Name this book?

I read this romance novel a long, long time ago. I really liked it and have been trying to find it. I don't know the author's name but the book is about a girl who is supposed to marry this man, but she gets taken away by a pirate and taken to his goregeous secret island. Eventually she is reunited with her fiance. But the catch is that the pirate she is falling in love with and her fiance are the same man. It has sorta has a Blackbeard theme. If you know, or think you know the name of this book, please,please let me know. Thanks :)

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3 days ago
In the book the female protagonist is afraid of the dark. And no it is not Princess Bride

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
In the book the female protagonist is afraid of the dark. And no it is not Princess Bride