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I wish.......???

I like him,
A lot,
I want to tell him,
But what,
does he think about me?
What if,
he thinks of me differently,
Does he,
like me as more than a friend,
Could we
be a couple,
Would he,
like that, me and him,
Us, together,
I wish he would say something,
if only,
He would speak up,
I guess,
Its up to me,
to say,
how much I like him,
Hes handsome,
with short blonde hair,
Hes mysterious,
always wearing black,
Hes mine,
or at least I wish,
Can we,
be together, I wish we could,
Is it,
just a crush,
like all
of the others,
would he,
treat me right,
unlike others,
Could we,
be a couple?
I wish.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh, that is such a sweet poem!! I really liked it!!