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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What would you do if you had to sacrifice your family for your goal?


What would you do if you had to sacrifice your family for your goal?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That depends a lot on what you mean, exactly, by 'sacrifice', 'family', and 'goal'.

For example, sacrifice could mean everything from just giving them up to personally and gruesomely slaughtering them. I bet even most people who answered that they don't have any goals that would be worth sacrificing their family for might GIVE UP their family if they could be assured that their family would not only continue living, but do so in a 'happily ever after' kind of way. Most would consider this to be quite noble.

Likewise, I generally consider myself loosely related to just about every human on the planet. And science generally agrees with me. I do have very few (not none) goals that might be worth killing every human on the planet for. But it does sharply reduce the number of them.

Some of my goals also don't necessarily include me. Yes, I would personally slaughter my family and even myself if I could be assured that it would result in a lasting world peace. I'll go further than that - when facing with the ongoing suffering we have now, wouldn't it be monstrous NOT to sacifice your family if that was all that was required to end it?