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What do you use to fill in two main action points?

I'mwriting a story, and i have a couple of main points as my 'outline'. But I'm having trouble from getting from one to the next without it sounding really boring. I was going to put in some of this girls memories, but they always end up being about 3 scentances when I need atleast 2 chapters between these two action points.
ALSO, how do I add light humor without it sounding forced?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First of all, what are the main action points? You have to have something that leads up to them, not just BOOM BOOM. Make the transitions pieces that build it-- add some twists or mystery into it. As for humor-- if you are a funny person I'm sure it will come to you without force, thats what happens to me. Something funny just pops in when im not even thinking 'oh i want to MAKE this funny.'