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Harry Potter?

pick ur best last sentance!
1.Harry smiled down at his week-old daughter; she had her mother's red hair, but her father's green eyes and even a faint birthmark that looked exactly like his famous lightning-bolt scar. -xothebestox
2.The portrait of the famous Harry Potter hung in the entrance hall of Hogwarts (with a view of the Quidditch pitch, so that he could watch year after year of Gryffindor championships) and sometimes the bravest students who snuck out onto the grounds for a night of adventure, would hear words of advice from the man who was made famous by his lightning-bolt scar.
3.Harry looked at himself in the mirror and, smiling, laid down his eyes on the spot of his forehead where there had once been a scar. -alex

okay there were ur finalist! now vote for the best last sentance of the last book.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If it had to be one of those 3, i would pick 2. Possibly because it feels the most like part of the books already written and not a piece of fan fiction.

but I really hope that JKR comes up with something totally unique.