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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Im looking for the name of a book about a girl that discovers she has a sixth se


Im looking for the name of a book about a girl that discovers she has a sixth sense?

I read this book in Highschool in the mid 90s. The girl in the book keeps jumping back in time and finds her self on the titanic to witness the last moments of a little boys life after he was left in a stateroom. that is the most vivid memory i have of the book. I thought it was called sixth sense or something like that but the movie the sixth sense makes it hard to find anything else even close to that title.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Ghosts I Have Been" by Richard Peck
Fourteen year old Blossom Culp lives in a small town in 1913 with her eccentric mother and a penchant for getting into troubles and adventures. When she discovers that she has a sixth sense, Blossom uses her gift to help a few local citizens and things proceed merrily until she has a crushing vision of the sinking of the Titanic a year earlier. Fame and fortune brought on by the revelation of this vision bring many changes to Blossom's life, not the least of which is a change in her relationship with her friend,Alexander Armsworth