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Story characters' names...?

i'm trying to figure out names for a story.
my friend already found Annabelle for the main, and i like it.

but what's the guardian angel's name?
i saw "Davey" somewhere and I liked it, but I"m not sure if it would sound too kiddish, so i was thinking David, but i'm not sure if its... angel-ish enough.
feedback please :) and if you have any ideas let me know!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think David sounds fine... if you're looking for something angelic, I would certainly stick to biblical names.

However, when I'm writing and need character names, a lot of times, I'll use a random name generator (see link below) and will just kind of look at lots of names until I find one that fits the bill. I really like the random name generator when I need foreign names, where I'm not as familiar with the names from those cultures.

Best wishes!