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Mistake in Stephen King's "The Stand"?

The mistake has something to do with Harold. It doesn't really affect the story, but it is interesting.
10 points to the first one who gets it right.

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1 week ago
I'm sorry Landsharkie, I should have specified that I was talking about the book. It was not shown at all in the movie. You are right about the gaurdrail thing.

1 week ago
OK maybe I should give a hint.... It had something to do with something that Harold ate.

1 week ago
Another hint. Harold read Fran's Diary.
The Payday bar is what he ate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I'm sorry Landsharkie, I should have specified that I was talking about the book. It was not shown at all in the movie. You are right about the gaurdrail thing.