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Do most people know about WW1?

I have been speaking to some of my friends and other people, and they are not fully aware of WW1. What upsets me is, they knew exactly what 9/11 and other such recent events are. I am NEVER saying these events are NOT tragic. They are heartbeaking. However, surely the war which claimed the most lives of any war in a few centuries should be known? Maybe its just the idiocy of some of us English, but I am interested in history, and can find no one to discuss WW1 with, its upsetting, particularly as Britian and France basically won WW1 alone, yet natives know nothing of it. Please let me know that you people have MORE knowledge than my foolish friends.

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1 week ago
Foolishly, I seem to NOT have asked anything specific. Ok, PLEASE tell me everyone commenting knows what the Somme is, the death toll, how heartbreaking it is, and the effect on British morale. Sorry again

1 week ago
I complete agree Brian. The sad truth is the "XBOX" will take precidence over a fascinating and heartbreaking conflict of man's inhumanity to man.

1 week ago
I understand that America remained absent for the majority of WW1, but Britian was not present at events such as Pearl Harbour or Midway, yet I know about that. I understand your point of view, yet I believe that it should be studied by all, whatever country they hail from. THANK YOU SPITICUS, at last someone who can recount perfectly. Also, the majority of the casualties were caused by dismemberment. As such, most graves are "Unknown", or names are left on the memorial which I have visited. Thank you for reinstilling faith in human nature.

1 week ago
I must disagree with that statement. While Britian had barely three weeks of grain stock left, the Royal Navy was the killer to Germany. The blockades starved the German civilians, leading to a smash in morale, ensuring ONLY the massive nationalists wished to continue fighting. While you did bring 100,000 men to the front, it was more resources you traded to us that was your contribution. I stand by that Britian and France won practically alone, and they were not close to ending their manpower, just their resources, but it really was the naval blockades which finished the war in the end.

1 week ago
I'm not sure I understand you Oscar. I never said America played no part in defeating Germany in WW2, in fact im preety sure I hardly mentioned WW2. If you want, I can relate facts about The Black Death, but since it is a natural occurance, its even less interesting to people than a massive "cool" war. I agree, once again with your thesis, and you are quite the philosipher.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Foolishly, I seem to NOT have asked anything specific. Ok, PLEASE tell me everyone commenting knows what the Somme is, the death toll, how heartbreaking it is, and the effect on British morale. Sorry again