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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I know this will sound stupid...but can dreams really come true.?


I know this will sound stupid...but can dreams really come true.?

I know your thinking are you nuts of course. But can they really. I don't expect to marry a prince and be swept off my feet but,...have you yourself ever made your dream come true...not and easy dream like getting a computer but one like say becoming a writer. Making millions by yourself? I really want to know the truth. By the way if you could give a story with your answer that'd be great!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think most of our dreams are perfect...that everything that we fantasize about should be perfect and how we wish to achieve it. Perfection doesn't exist, but I won't say that dreams don't exist. It's really with determination, concentration, and effort that could accomplish your goals.

I don't know if dreams and goals can be the exact same, because goals are something that can be achieved when you finish the main point of it, while as dreams, they seem to have EVERYTHING perfect in it. And if materialistic dreams like getting a computer doesn't count, then no, I never had a dream fulfilled.