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REAL photo contest not a scam?

i would like a web site to post my photos and get honest opions of it i tried and it was a scam big let down anyone know of a website?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow, did you read the terms of use for

You are giving them your photo just by posting it...

I would NEVER recommend a site which claims "a perpetual, universal, non-exclusive, royalty-free right to publish, modify, distribute and display the photographs as we deem appropriate" Even though the first sentence says they do not claim ownership, that clause gives them everything except the copyright.

Note that this clause makes your photo unacceptable to nearly any legitimate photo contest such as those run by National Geographic, etc.

Note that even though DiviantART also asserts a non-exclusive right to use your work, that right ends when you remove the work from their site. The only part of their conditions I find really troubling is "the right to sublicense to any other person or company any of the licensed rights in the Artist Materials, or any part of them, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement."