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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Have you ever heard of the "Star Trek Theory"? Do you think this follo


Have you ever heard of the "Star Trek Theory"? Do you think this follows or not?

The "Star Trek Theory" basically means that if you watched Star Trek as a child you generally have more hope and expectation for humanity. Those that didn't watch it tend to think humans will kill themselves off in the next 100 years or so.
So did you watch it? Do you think humans will self-destruct, or will they overcome? Do you think the theory holds water?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That's interesting.
I did watch Star Trek, but I tend to stand somewhere in the middle in the "we're all doomed" issue. I don't think humanity will destroy itself, but I think action will only be taken when it becomes painfully obvious we have been blind to the real problems our way of life brings about. In other words, it will take a lot of suffering. People living today don't realise how blessed we generally are (at least if you don't happen to live in the third world). The West went through the bubonic plague, religious wars, two world wars, etc..., etc... Yet, we keep hearing about how bad things are and how impossible it would be to reign in the economy, because that would lead to disaster, etc... We can't raise up to today's challenges because we're spoiled (as a civilisation). Balance always comes through suffering. It seems to be a sad, and inevitable truth of human nature that nothing changes until it starts to hurt.
As for Star Trek, that's a very interesting point. It was a very optimistic series. It also held to the belief that through knowledge and understanding, all problems could be solved and that there is a gadget for every problem. But perhaps the Star Trek mentality is precicely the problem; the fact that we look to reason and technology to solve problems that are more intangible in nature, perhaps even spiritual - the fact, for example, that we are not in harmony with the world, even though we were born out of nature ourselves.