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Surfaces me brainstorm!?

hey, i have this art project over the holidays and i want to make an early start.
we have to do 4 pages on natural surfaces, can you please help me think of some ideas??
heres a starter-
trees (bark rubbings)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A walk on the beach is a good place to start - look at the patterns in driftwood, the texture of pebbles - are they smooth and polished? pitted? striated? knobbly? Seaweed has interesting surfaces. Walk along the shoreline and see what you can find. The sea makes beautiful patterns on the sand as the tide goes out. If you're inland, study trees, the veins on leaves and the patterns on stone. Don't forget about fur and leather - they are natural too! You'll find it gets easier when you get going - you'll start noticing things more. Good luck!