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Did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have extramarital affairs?

I have heard from some sources that Dr. King might have been unfaithful to his wife. There are some websites that claim this to be true, while others said these accusations are false. Is it true?

Some of you reading this question might have been completely unaware of this possibility. I have studied the life of Dr. King, and even if this is true, I believe that he was still a great man. After all, King David has his horrible affair with Bathsheba, but that history still remembers him as a great man. Almost everyone has their dark secrets. Remember: If it weren't for Dr. King and his peaceful advocacy of racial equality, America would be a very different place today.

"It is the effort of American Negroes to secure for themselves the full blessings of American life. Their cause must be our cause too. Because it's not just Negroes, but really it's all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice. And we shall overcome." Lyndon B. Johnson

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Seeing as how he had some people in his organization that were communist (socialist really) J. Edgar Hoover had F.B.I. agents monitoring him (real paranoid bunch at the time). They had evidence that he had lots of affairs and often. I read a biography called BEARING THE CROSS that talks about this. It broke him up inside it seems. When he was giving sermons at his Dad's church in Atlanta he talked about sin and repentence. He meant it and it was heartfelt because he lived it.