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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Was the Holocaust of the Jews "unique"?


Was the Holocaust of the Jews "unique"?

I admit that my question is supercontroversial. But then I "love" to create controversies. Now, I admit Hitler and his Nazis had the obsessed idea of destroying all the Jews they could find. Maybe that makes it "unique". But haven't we seen other mass murders of millions also with the intention of "total complete eradication"? So the Holocaust is not so "unique" in my view. Mankind has always been evil. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My answer will be supercontroversial ... I think people put so much emphasis on the Holocaust -- at least in the West -- because Westerners can relate to (and sympathize with) European Jews more they can relate to victims of genocide in other parts of the world. Europeans are more "human" than say, Pol Pot's victims or the victims of recent genocides in Africa. At least, I think that is part of it.