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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why is it that the west is not critical of colonial rules in the past?


Why is it that the west is not critical of colonial rules in the past?

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1 week ago
The west should be MORE ashamed of its history, rather than glorifying it. Think about the number of people exterminated due to the western colonization. All the lands should go back to where they belong. Australia, North America, etc.

1 week ago
Shame that the Westerners are still living on a stolen land!

1 week ago
Actually, I'm just joking. LOL.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
The west should be MORE ashamed of its history, rather than glorifying it. Think about the number of people exterminated due to the western colonization. All the lands should go back to where they belong. Australia, North America, etc.