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In Tortilla Flat..?

In Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck, why are Danny and his friends disappointed when The Pirate brings his treasure home? Thanks for any clarification.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The whole reason for bringing the pirate home to stay with them was to gain his trust so that they could steal his money. They feed him and give him a warm bed and befriend him, and they follow him whenever he leaves in order to find out where he has hidden his stash. But they also get to like him.

The pirate begins to realise he is being followed, so he brings his money home so that his friends can take care of it for him. By giving his trust so innocently he has made it impossible for them to steal from him. Friendship has overcome greed.

I have provided a link to a permitted study guide for this book, which I think you will find of interest.