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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Is the English version of Rutka Laskier's diary published yet? If so, where can


Is the English version of Rutka Laskier's diary published yet? If so, where can I find it?

I recently found out about Rutka Laskier??s diary, and I wanted to read it. Reading about the holocaust and history in general is my passion. I??ve read ??The Diary of a Young Girl?? twice, but I can??t seem to find the English version of Rutka??s diary. Can anyone help me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It was published last month and is now available through the publisher Yad Vashem. Link is below:

Note that it is an Israeli publisher. If you are in a foreign country, there may be international shipping charges, but I haven't investigated this.