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Does it seem impossible for me to ever....?

Does it seem impossible for me to ever become an actress? I know many people want the fame, but to me it's a minor. I'm 14(going on 15) and I want to act. I have parents and people telling me that I can never make it in the industry (because of my ethnicity & they think i'm crazy) and as much as I wish to start now, I can't. I want to meet people who enjoy the same hobbies i'm into. Getting into the business, being someone else for a day and meeting new people is what I want to do. But with all the discouragement, is it impossible for me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not in the slightest. Many times you will find evil producers, directors, fellow actors who will bring you down simply because they are jealous or really believe what they are saying.

They don't matter. They don't matter and neither do the people who give you praise and encouragement. What matters is how you feel about it. Want to act because of the craft? Great! Do it whenever you are ready!

Also, about ethnicity: LA is very much based on looks and beauty. People there put a higher emphasis on looks than talent. Don't go to LA if you feel like your appearance/ ethnicity will hinder you. In New York (all about the theater, which is where the real talent is anyway), looks are not as important as talent. Do not let something as trifling as a physical appearance/ difference stand in the way of your passion.

Keep going, you will eventually find your way through the negativity and be able to just dive in.