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Can Someone Learn How To Sing?

I been playing the guitar for about six years and i'm taking guitar classes in college, so I understand music and pitches flat and sharps and all that stuff. So anyway when I sing I can tell when my pitch is off. Can I learn how to sing... can you develope your singing ability like you develope skills in a guitar, like by doing scales and stuff?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh yes, definitely. I took a few years of voice lessons, but I improved the most by sitting at my piano (or you guitar) for at least an hour every night and running scales with my voice. Once you can follow the notes you are playing with your voice at PERFECT pitch (I'm sure you have a tuner, and those can be very useful to develop perfect pitch), then try singing the note before you play it, to compare results (doing these scales will also help you improve your range-but don't ever push your voice to a note where it hurts). Eventually you'll be able to hit the right notes without the aid of an instrument, and from there you can develop technique (this is where a voice teacher comes in handy). I believe that some people can't learn how to sing, but most can. Good luck!