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Inheritance Of Loss?

What do u think is the relation between Sai and her tutor Gyan?
Do u think its true love...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No.. Between Gyan and Sai I dont think its love... But though let me warn you its inconclusive.
Sai loves Gyan, Gyan does too. But he is confused. He feels a sudden jolt of patriotism when he sees the men of Gorkha Regime. So he drifts away from her towards them, but inthe end he promises to come back. Sai on the other hand is always after him. She even imagines him coming when actually it was Biju (in the end of the book).
So there is definely some bond of love, but again *true* love can hardly be concluded. As this is not the main theme book, i will prefer to take it as love and not disregard it as Infatuation or extoll it as Romeo Juliet kinda love,

But one thing is certain that they love and care for each other. But the depth of their relation is diffucult to gauge, from what is given in the book. Once again, its just love - true enough for the purpose of the theme.