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What do you think about my poem (its not ment to be serious)?

I was sort of bored so I wrote a poem with a line being serious followed by the comical line. I hope you like it. And keep in mind I'm only 14.

Under the Umbra of an ancient oak
I was smoking a doobie and sipping a coke
When all of the sudden an acorn fell right in my lap
I threw it at a squirrel and took a long nap
When I woke from my slumber a misfortune fell upon me
I look and my pants and realized it was pee
Quickly I raced back to the house to fetch a nice wash cloth
But with my recent hangover I was as slow as a sloth
With the excruciating exhaustion I begin to pass out
And even now you don??t know what this poem is about.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: very entertaining! hahaha