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JK Rowling's Official Website FAQ?

Does anyone know how you can post a question on JK Rowlings Official Sites FAQ? There are questions in the FAQ regarding The Books, JKR and Other Questions but there doesn't seem to be anywhere that you can ask your own question? Do you have to be a WOMBAT member to ask one and if so, how? Because I just passed the 3rd Wombat and can't find anyway to post a question to JKR?
Or do you simply have to mail her a question to the publishers and hope she picks yours to answer on the site?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The FAQ are just questions that she has received through the mail, or from her own searching of fan websites.

So there's no official place to post questions to her FAQ. You can mail her a letter, or take part in fan discussions at or, both of which she visits.

And there's no such thing as a WOMBAT member :) Passing the WOMBAT gets you nothing but bragging rights.