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What's that book?

With Lucille Armageddon the ghost and the ugly lady that got burned when shewas younger so the had to scrape the dead skin off her face (which is why she looks old and gross?)

I just remember the book being about the burned lady who can talk to ghosts/works in the graveyard and eventually, as she starts interacting with the living world more the dead world disappears from her?

I know it's a REALLY weird book but i read it last year and i don't remember what it was called and it's bothering me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Pie-pie, if no one comes up with the title here you should give this website a try:

It's a great little website. You give them as much info as you have on the book you're looking for, and they'll do their best to find the title for you. Try them out, they're absolutely free!

Good luck in your book search and happy reading! :-)