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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If you could talk to Vincent Bugliosi, what would be the questions that you woul


If you could talk to Vincent Bugliosi, what would be the questions that you would ask him?

I ask because I have a chance to do just that for about an hour or so. I'd like interesting suggestions.

He has a new book, "Reclaiming History", out on the JFK murder. The book is 1500 pages+ in support of the Warren Commission Report. It took him 20 years to complete.

Author of Helter Skelter, he put away Charles Manson for life.

Maybe there's a question that you would like me to ask him for you?? It's your lucky day, I see him on Thursday.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: good`morning`mr`Bugliosi, im a great`admirer`of your` Books`