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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Should the Western powers have left Berlin to appease the Soviets?


Should the Western powers have left Berlin to appease the Soviets?

This is concerning the Cold War and the Berlin Airlift.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is one way to describe appeasement:
.... from the authoritative Encyclopedia of US Foreign Relations - is an objective description of appeasement as the term was used before the mid-1930s. Until then, we learn, it "primarily referred to timely concessions to disgruntled nations whose grievances had some legitimacy, in the hope of defusing difficulties and promoting peace and goodwill. Acting from a position of strength, the appeasing power was motivated not by fear or weakness but by a sense of statesmanship and a perception that limited concessions would not endanger its vital national interests."

So, the Western Powers thought that appeasing the Soviets would endanger their vital interests, which was probably the wisest thing they did or else all of Europe would have fallen into Soviet hands.