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Feed back on these pictures please?

Can I get some constructive criticism on these pictures? I take pics of friends for fun (my willing models ;) ) , but all the same , I'd like some feedback, thanks! How can I improve?


Meghan Standing

Meghan Smile

Meghan Shoulder lean

Meghan B& W

Meghan Sea wall

Autumn sepia

Autumn face

Thanks again for all your help!!!! :D

Additional Details

2 days ago
I've never taken any classes, I intend to some day! I have a $150 kodak digital camera-- theres not a whole lot I can do with it! Also hoping to upgrade it soon :D Thanks for the feedback!

2 days ago
There's nothing I can add to my camera, and its a press the button thats it kinda deal-- I am an EXTREME amateur lol I have no idea what most of you are talking about but hopefully I get a spot in a photography class this semester and my pics will get better! thanks again, so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
I've never taken any classes, I intend to some day! I have a $150 kodak digital camera-- theres not a whole lot I can do with it! Also hoping to upgrade it soon :D Thanks for the feedback!