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I was wondering if I could get some help with these questions:
(1) What are Vincent's Shortcomings at birth?
(2) By what means is Anton Born?
(3) What comments does Vincent's father have about Vincent's ambition to travel in space?
(4) Why had Jerome attempted suicide?
(5) How did the doctor know Vincent's identity all along?
(6) Vincent says " My Real resume is in my cells. They have discrimination down to a science." What does this mean?
(7) Describe how Vincent assumes Jerom's Identity
(8) " A child born in love has a greater chance of happiness". Is this true?
(9) " There is not gene for the Human Spirit". What does this mean?
(10) THe movie begins witha quote from the Biblr- Ecclestiastes 7:13- " COnsider the Work Of God". Who can make straight what he has made crooked?" What do you think this means?
(11) State the main issues the movie raised

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: His shortcoming was a statistical probablility for heart failure based on a gene with the propensity for heart defect.

Genetic implant.

To be realistic and get a job instead of dreaming.

He didn't attempt suicide, he was just prepared to die to prove his worth.

He was supposed to be right handed but held himself in the other hand when he peed.

His DNA revealed eveything about him and there was no way to hide it, therefore people could guarantee or validate their choices.

He buys it through a black market broker and has surgery to make cosmetic changes. He uses tissue sample to reinforce it.

In the movie, no. In life, perhaps.

Despite the probability of something happening based on our genetics truly great men have to struggle and endure beyond their mere physical attributes. Mind over matter.

Despite what we do the real nature of a thing cannot be undone by men.

Broadly: Discrimination. The use of the word "IN-VALID" is like the word invalid (disabled) but the depiction draws on obvious racial profiling, intelligence testing and confority measures.