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Does anyone know how a person who is serious about interior design can get into the field???

When i was in high school, that was all i was really interested in, and, no one could ever help me with it!! do you have to have a lot of money, or something???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you can get a degree in interior design at a lot of art schools. A simple google search will show you a list.
I don't think a portfolio is required in a lot of places, but admission requirement will differ a lot between schools, and the only way to figure those out is visit the website of the school and look at them. Education is fairly expensive, no matter what you do, but interior design is no more expensive than other courses of study. Go to a school within your state so you qualify for the in-state tuition and search for scholarships.
While you studying make sure you do as many internships as possible, as those connections will count a lot (at least if you leave a good impression).