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Some Civil War true or false?

1)As the war dragged on, both the North and the South had to resort to the unpopular method of conscription-or the draft-to secure fighting men.
true or false

2)For most northerners, freeing the slaves only become as important a war aim as restoring the Union much later in the war
true or false

3)Radical Republicans pushed through Congress the Civil Right Act of 1866 after many southern states refuse to ratify the Fourtheenth Amendment(it's quite detail)
true or false.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: True (both sides implemented Conscription Acts in 1862)

True (read preliminary Emancipation Proclamation and Emancipation Proclamation, both, in 1863)

False (The 14th hadn't been proposed or introduced yet; 14th amendment was proposed on June 13, 1866, and ratified on July 9, 1868. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in March 1866 and, then, the Republicans in congress overrode the presidential veto on April 9, 1866)