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How do you make a portrait look like the person?

I think my painting and drawing is good but for some reason the picture never looks like the person it's supposed to be.
Do you know of any way I can make my paintings look like the people there of or is it just a matter of practise???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah I have struggled with that as well. I would try to draw someone and it would always have something about that was never quite right. One thing to remember is to let your mind forget you are painting/drawing a face. Focus on the lines, shadows, highlights rather than thinking about whether or not you are painting an eye or lips. The way our minds think something should be drawn is usually different than the way you actually do it.

One good practice is to take about an 8"x10" photo (or around that, it is just easier when it is a bigger face rather than tiny features)(one you can draw on) and put a grid over it.. try to keep the boxes not too big or too overly small, I would say for 8x10 do like 1/2" sides to 1" max. Then make the same dimension grid on a blank piece of paper or canvas and then go box by box. It sounds elementary, but it seriously is a very good way to focus more on the elements rather than trying to make an eye/ear/ etc.. Really try to focus on what is really within each box and what colors are represented and where it is lighter, darker, transitioning.. And I would suggest drawing all the lines first down to every last detail like the glint in the eyes and even putting marks for where the color darken or lighten.
Like many others have said, it's not a photo, so it won't be exact :)
Good Luck!