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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you prefer the Harry Potter books or Eragon books ??????


Do you prefer the Harry Potter books or Eragon books ??????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Eragon (and Eldest) are fine additions to the fantasy genre, and the author may someday become a notable writer, but Harry Potter is far more complex, imaginative, original, and (I believe) lasting.

Eragon and Eldest aren't very original, overly preachy, poorly addresses "adult themes" in a children's book, the elves were rather Mary Sue (and third rate Tolkien ripoffs), dragon riding has been used in books before, as has the magic system, and so on and so forth.

Despite that, they were still a fun read. But give it a good 50 years and Harry Potter will be remembered along side the Hobbit; Eragon might be on a few fans bookshelves, but not likely to be found on bookstore shelves.