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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> When we say God does/does not exist. R we arguing about the entity of a being or


When we say God does/does not exist. R we arguing about the entity of a being or our idea of what God is?

Christians - Jews- and Muslims contend God is a person. After all he has a name, he has a will, a plan, christians even celebrate his birthday. I believe the correct term is Anthrophoism applying human characteristics to God. This is ridiculos to say the least, he might as well be your next door neighboor. Which brings me back to my question, when Christians say I believe in God and Athesist say I dont are they actually arguing the existence of a being? Or their idea of the existence of a supernatural being? I believe in the ALL just in case your where wondering.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I definitely am arguing the idea of what God is.
It is insane to think the existence of a being of ultimate powers as having such flawed(human) characteristics, or that would view us as anything more than bugs (straw dogs).

I disagree with the way these religions arrogantly place sacred value on human life, above all other creatures/life on the planet - their lack of respect for nature and the symbiotic relationship of ALL, condones the destruction of the planet & extinction of species. All this is of little importance when they believe the end times are near (as they've been saying since these religions were first conceived) and that God will soon swoop down and carry his faithful away to a perfect place .

It's beyond ridiculous to believe an omnipotent being who had the power to make all things good and make himself known to all mankind, would play such childish games as purported in the Bible and the irrational explanations of Christian, Jews, Muslims...

I also disagree with the possibility for goodness to exist without evil. For joy to exist without sorrow. Dark without light, etc.....

However I do believe in other planes of existence that most of us are unaware of or cannot perceive (life or consciousness beyond this physical state). In the existence of the spirit, of universal energy and collective thought. That thought is energy and, in it's own way, is as tangible as anything in our physical world (perhaps more tangible).
I can only vaguely conceive of spirits/ consciousness continually evolving through a series of lives/experiences and lessons.