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How can I help project my voice? I know how to sing using my diaphragm and stuff, and I can project higher notes well. I need to train myself to project lower niotes, like in 'Defying Gravity.' I can do it okay, but if I do it as loud as I can, my voice tends to crack. Any tips?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh, no. You must never try to push low notes, that's why they crack. Instead, work for a bright sound on your low notes, and only work with what your voice will give you. The brighter low notes are, the better projected they will be and it will fit the rest of the notes better. Vocalize low notes with meows (like a cat) and make them as shrill as you can. You will notice that they will be extra projected, though the tone would be ugly. The purpose of this exercise is to get the correct projection for low notes, not to create beautiful tone so go ahead and practice it with a shrill, bright, ugly tone; focus on the projection. Then elide it to vowels, for example meow-ah, meow-eh, meow-ee, etc. and sing those vowels keeping the projection but with a nice tone. You'll see it's quite easy.
Be sure also that your lips are relaxed and a little bit puckered out; and that your tongue is forward.