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Why be positive?

Or why be critical?
Do positive attitudes just build up something that is lacking?
Does criticism allow for positive changes? I guess the differece is in positive
and negative, positive being constructive and negative being pointless complaints? Define? Personally

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hmmm, how do I want to address this....OK..I know.

Its always eaiser to be negative. This is because you can always blame someone else and take the light off of you if something is wrong. Everyone has been trained with the negative all their life..every since they are a litle kid....NO dont touch that, NO you cant go outside, NO dont walk across the street without looking both ways, NO dont drop that it will shatter, STOP your crying, STOP your running you will fall and get hurt...ETC ETC ETC

As such, everyone will remember the negative things that happen in their life because it shapes the changes they will make as they grow. One "AW SH*T" will wipe out 1000 ATTA boys. Nobody likes to be around a person that is 100% negative all the time. It is a very draining experience.

So, why be positive....because the positive, like the truth..needs no defedning - it just is. If you are positive goodness surrounds you all the time. People will look to you for answers and leadership because you are against the norm. The obvious confidence caused by the superior intellect of the positive type people is invigorating and infatuous....these type of people are people that everyone - even the negative people - want to be around because they are the ones to effect change in everything around them.

So which do you want - people to run from you because you are negative. People to be indifferent toward you because you are a mixture of both positive and negative. OR people to flock toward you because you are always positive.