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Poem from Calendar Girls?

I am searching for the poem from Calendar Girls. I think its something about Sunflowers Are Like Women. Does anyone know how it goes? Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sunflower Woman
By Handsum-Hart

A sunflower must follow
The rules of gravity.
When its florets ripen
With hundreds of edible seeds
It must bend its body
Into the earth's bosom
And allow the birds
To eat its seeds
That are rich in oil

A woman must follow
The rules of romance.
When her lips ripen
With hundreds of edible kisses
She must surrender herself
Into her man's arms
And allow him
To eat her kisses
That are rich in passion

A sunflower on a sunny day
Will turn its face
Towards the sun
And with joyful eyes
Watch it move across the sky

A woman on her wedding day
Will turn her veiled face
Towards her husband-to-be
And with eyes soaked in matrimonial joy
Watch him move across her soul

The nickname for Kansas
Is the Sunflower State
For it is where
Every sunflower dreams of living

The nickname for a man's heart
Should be Kansas
For it is where
Every sunflower woman dreams of living

Ronald Howard Moman
I think, but I'm not sure. I just saw the movie last night, so i forget, but i may watch it again and find the poem for you, if this is not it. If it is, then plz 10 pts.